Beaked The Cultist cards

CeremonyBasicPower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain 1 Ritual.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Book's FlurrySpecialSkill0Deal 2 (3) (non-attack) damage for every card played this combat.
Head's ImpatienceSpecialPower0Whenever you play a card, gain 1 (2) Strength until the end of your turn.
InspirationSpecialSkillUnplayable. When drawn, Exhaust this and draw 2 more cards.
Lagavulin's FerocitySpecialPower0The first Attack you play each turn deals double (triple) damage.
Leader's ExecutionSpecialAttack0Deal 6 (8) damage 3 times.
Nemesis' SlicknessSpecialSkill0Gain 1 Intangible.(Deal !D! damage to ALL enemies.)
Nob's RageSpecialPower0Whenever you are attacked, gain 2 (3) Strength.
PsalmSpecialAttack0Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies. beaked:Wither 2.
Reptomancer's BiteSpecialSkill0(Remove target's Artifact.)Apply 99 Weak. Apply 99 Vulnerable.
Sentry's PulseSpecialSkill0Remove ALL Buffs from an enemy (ALL enemies).
StickSpecialSkill0ALL Stick Smacks deal 1 (2) additional damage this combat. Return the last-played Stick Smack to your hand.
Taskmaster's TortureSpecialAttack0Deal 15 (20) damage. Apply 5 (8) beaked:Bleed.
Walker's FurySpecialPower0Gain 3 (5) Ritual.
BraceCommonSkill1Retain. Gain 0 Block. Block increases by 1 (2) for each card you play while this is in your hand. Exhaust.
Brace for ImpactCommonSkill0Gain 1 (2) beaked:Plated_Armor.
CowerCommonSkill1Gain 1 Vulnerable. Apply 2 (3) Weak to ALL enemies.
Cursing BloodCommonSkill1Enemy loses 4 (5) Strength. beaked:Wither 1.
DaydreamCommonSkill1Shuffle 3 (4) Inspiration into your draw pile.
Dig DeepCommonSkill1Heal 3 (5) HP for each Ritual you have. Exhaust.
EvadeCommonSkill1 (0)If the enemy intends to attack, gain [E] [E].
Feel My PainCommonSkill0Lose 50% of your current HP. Gain 6 (9) Strength.
FlinchCommonSkill1Gain 16 Block. beaked:Wither 2 (1).
ForesightCommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Next turn, gain [E] ([E]).
InsightCommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, shuffle an Inspiration into your draw pile.
PokeCommonAttack1Draw 1 (2) card. If it's an Attack, deal 5 damage.
RedirectCommonSkill1 (0)Gain Block equal to 6 times your Strength, then lose all Strength. beaked:Wither 1.
ResilienceCommonSkill1 (0)Lose 3 Strength. Lose 4 HP. Gain 2 Artifact.
Survival InstinctCommonSkill2 (1)Ethereal. Can only be played if you haven't played any other cards this turn. Gain 1 Intangible. Become beaked:Entangled.
TradeoffCommonSkill2Exhaust 1 random card in your hand. beaked:Wither -1. Draw 5 (6) cards.
Tucking FeathersCommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain Block equal to their total cost.
TweetCommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Warrior EssenceCommonAttackXDeal 2 damage to a random enemy X (X+1) times. Heal for 25% of unblocked damage dealt. Exhaust.
WindmillCommonAttack0Deal 3 damage. Whenever you play a Skill this turn, deal 6 (9) damage to a random enemy.
Barbed WireUncommonSkill2 (1)Gain Thorns equal to your Strength. Lose all Strength.
Blood For The GodsUncommonSkill2Take 10 (15) damage. Next turn, heal twice that much HP.
Blood RitualUncommonSkill0Lose 12 HP. Gain 1 (2) Ritual.
Bounce BackUncommonSkill2 (1)Remove all of your Debuffs. Exhaust.
Crazy RitualsUncommonPower2 (1)At the start of your turn, play a random card of a random color on a random target.
Desperate SwingUncommonAttack1Deal 9 damage. Deals 1 additional damage for every 5 (4) points of HP missing.
DevastationUncommonPower1When you draw a beaked:Depleted card, draw 1 (2) more card(s).
Dig DeeperUncommonSkill2Heal 1 HP for each Strength you have. Lose all Strength. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
HexingUncommonPower2 (1)At the start of your turn, apply 2 Weak and 1 Vulnerable to all enemies that don't intend to attack.
Huntress EssenceUncommonSkill2Heal 1 (3) HP and draw 1 card for each card in your Exhaust pile. Exhaust.
Huntress SpiritUncommonSkill1Your next Skill this turn is played twice. Gain Dexterity equal to (twice) its cost. Exhaust.
Machine SpiritUncommonSkill1Your next Power this turn is played twice. Heal for 3 (5) times its cost. Exhaust.
Maddening MurmursUncommonPower2At the start of your turn, place a random card from your discard pile into your hand. It costs 1 less (0) this turn.
MantraUncommonAttack2Deal 4 (5) damage for every beaked:Wither card in your deck.
Mimic HuntressUncommonSkill1Add a random (Upgraded) Silent card to your hand. It costs 0 this turn.
Mimic MachineUncommonSkill1Add a random (Upgraded) Defect card to your hand. It costs 0 this turn.
Mimic WarriorUncommonSkill1Add a random (Upgraded) Ironclad card to your hand. It costs 0 this turn.
MoltingUncommonSkill1Exhaust a card. Gain 7 (10) Block, or 12 (15) Block if it was a beaked:Depleted card.
NegationUncommonSkill1Ignore the next (!M!) beaked:Wither effect(s) this combat. Exhaust.
OverexertUncommonSkill0Double your Energy. For each Energy gained, lose 3 (2) HP.
OverpowerUncommonAttack1Deal 9 damage. Deals 1 additional damage for every 5 (4) HP you currently have.
PeckerUncommonAttack2Deal 1 damage 5 (7) times. beaked:Wither 1.
ReciteUncommonSkill2Add 2 (3) Psalms to your hand.
ReplenishUncommonSkill3 (2)Replenish 1 use of a beaked:Wither card in your hand.
Ritual Of BodyUncommonPower2Spend 1 Ritual. Gain 1 (2) beaked:Plated_Armor at the start of each turn.
RoostUncommonSkill0Gain 12 (16) Block. Increase this card's cost by 1 for the rest of combat.
Ruin SticksUncommonAttack1Deal 17 (20) damage. Add a Regret to your hand.
Sacrificial AttackUncommonAttack2Deal 0 damage to ALL enemies. Strength affects Sacrificial Attack 2 (3) times. Lose all Strength.
Sacrificial DiveUncommonSkill1If the enemy intends to attack, lose HP equal to half of its total attack damage. It loses 99 Strength this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Stick SmackUncommonAttack1Deal 6 damage. Shuffle a (an Upgraded) Stick into your draw pile.
StruggleUncommonAttack0Deal 4 (5) damage for each other card in your hand. End your turn.
Stunning BlowUncommonAttack3Deal 9 damage. Gain 1 Intangible. beaked:Wither 3 (2).
Vigor BurstUncommonSkillUnplayable. When drawn, heal 3 (5) HP. When added to your deck, gain 5 Max HP. If removed or transformed from your deck, lose 5 Max HP. (not If removed or transformed from your deck, lose 5 Max HP.)
Warrior SpiritUncommonSkill1Your next Attack this turn is played twice. Gain Strength equal to (twice) its cost. Exhaust.
Wind BringerUncommonAttack1Deal 16 damage to ALL enemies. beaked:Wither 2 (1).
Awakened FormRarePower5Costs 1 less [E] for each Boss killed. Cards cost 1 less [E].(Can reduce costs below 0.)
BrainwashRareSkill0(Retain.)Exhaust all beaked:Depleted cards in your hand. Retain your hand this turn. Exhaust.
CAW!RareAttackXDeal 5 damage to ALL enemies X (X+1) times. Apply X (X+1) Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies. beaked:Wither 1.
Dark PactRareSkill1Gain 4 (6) beaked:Plated_Armor. Shuffle a Regret into your draw pile.
Dark TributeRareSkill3Heal ALL HP. Gain 3 Poison. beaked:Wither -3 (-2).
Deep FocusRarePower2Ignore the next 4 (5) beaked:Wither effects this combat. beaked:Wither 1.
Fake OutRareAttack1 (0)Deal 3 damage to ALL enemies. Swap your draw pile and discard pile.
Full HouseRareSkill0Draw 9 cards. beaked:Wither 3 (2).
Know Thy FoeRareSkill3 (2)Add a random Elite card to your hand. Exhaust.
Lift OffRarePower3 (2)Take 50% less damage from attacks. If you are attacked 3 times in one turn, lose this power and skip your next turn.
Machine EssenceRarePower3Whenever you receive healing, heal an additional 1 (2) HP.
SacrificeRareAttack2Deal 18 (27) damage. Enemy heals for 18 (27) HP. If Fatal, raise your Max HP by 3. Exhaust.
Sacrificial ScarsRareSkill0Lose 6 HP. Gain 2 (3) Max HP. You cannot heal for 3 turns. Exhaust.
Screeching ChantRareSkill3 (2)Double your Ritual. Exhaust.
Shadow FadeRareSkill3Gain 1 Intangible for each 10 (7) Strength you have. Lose all Strength.
Volatile MisfortuneRarePower1(Innate.) At the end of your turn, Retain all Unplayable cards. For each, deal damage to a random enemy equal to your Strength + 1.
Wild InstinctRareAttackUnplayable. If you have less than 50% HP when drawn, deal 20 (25) damage to ALL enemies.

Beaked The Cultist relics

Mending PlumageStarterBeaked_yellowWhenever you play a card, heal 1 HP.The Plumage merges with your feathers and makes you feel ...
Throat LozengeCommonBeaked_yellowIgnore the first beaked:Wither effect each combat.Soothing relief! Not for reuse.
Shiny BaubleUncommonWhenever you enter a Rest Site, start the next combat with 1Ritual.You no take my shiny.
Blessed CoatBossBeaked_yellowReplaces MendingPlumage. Upon playing a card, heal 1 HP. Every time you play 3 cards in a single turn, gain 1Regen.A protective alternative to fur.
Flawless SticksBossBeaked_yellowAt the start of each combat, Exhaust all beaked:Depleted cards.A bundle of surprisingly beautiful sticks.
Maw FilletBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. Shop spaces are replaced with Elite spaces.The stench attracts the hungriest, repels the wealthiest.
Sacred DeckBossUpon pick up, choose ANY card of any color to obtain.Contains the deepest secrets of all who have entered the Spire.
Sacred NecklaceBossSuper-Rare! Gain [E] at the start of each turn.A sparkling trinket from an exotic land...
Sacrifice DollBossBeaked_yellowOn the first turn of each combat, play your entire hand on random targets at no cost.This doll reminds you of a certain...robot. You feel as if it's always watching over you.
Ritual PlumageShopBeaked_yellowIf you end your turn without playing any cards, gain 2Ritual. Only works once per combat.The Strength of a Demon courses through you.

Beaked The Cultist potions

Mending BrewUncommonWhenever you play a card, heal 1 HP.

Beaked The Cultist keywords

BleedBleeding creatures take damage at the end of their turn. Bleed does not decrease over time.
DepletedUnplayable unless the Wither effect is reversed.
EntangledYou cannot play Attack cards for one turn.
Plated ArmorAt the end of your turn, gain Block. Receiving unblocked attack damage reduces PlatedArmor by 1.
WitherPermanently decrease this card's power by the wither amount. When it reaches 0, the card becomes Depleted. Can be replenished at Rest Sites.

Beaked The Cultist creatures

the BeakedPlayer50
Giant ParasiteElite250